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Slip & Fall accidents – What is the Liability of a Retail Store?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadEach year, thousands of individuals are injured in slip and fall accidents. These accidents can occur almost anywhere, and many of them are minor. Some slips, trips, and falls can result in serious and catastrophic injuries, however. These include: Head Injuries Traumatic Brain Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Fractures/Broken Bones Soft Tissue Injuries Slip and Fall […]
5 Things You Should Do Immediately After a Car Accident
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadBeing involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, especially if you are seriously injured. A collision with another vehicle or object puts you in a startled state, with countless thoughts simultaneously running through your head. When this occurs, it is important to remain as calm as possible and take some immediate steps […]
What is the Best Way to Remain Informed when Working with an Attorney?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen you retain an attorney for a personal injury, family law, or other type of legal matter, you have the right to expect that your lawyer will keep you informed of what is going on with your case. Attorneys have an ethical obligation to keep their clients informed, and you should insist on communication and […]
Tips for Keeping School Kids Safe at the Bus Stop
/by Olmstead & Olmstead, PCFall has arrived, and millions of children throughout Virginia are back in school. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), students are 70 times more likely to get to school safely riding a school bus than riding in a passenger vehicle. Two of the main reasons are that buses are larger vehicles and […]
Can I Modify my Child Support in Virginia?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadDuring a Virginia divorce involving children, child support is usually spelled out in the property settlement agreement. In paternity cases in which the parents were never married, the courts may order the non-custodial parent to pay support. The amount of support paid is calculated based on several factors; such as the monthly gross income of […]
Can I Modify my Alimony in Virginia?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen a marriage is dissolved in Virginia, spousal support is often awarded by court decree or negotiated into the settlement. Also referred to as alimony or spousal maintenance, spousal support is especially common in cases in which one spouse earns all (or the majority of) the income and the other does not have the skills […]
Are Courts More Likely to Grant Child Custody to Mothers Than to Fathers?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadIt hasn’t been that long since the prevailing attitude among family law judges was that children of divorcing parents should always remain with their mothers. The bias assumed that mothers were more nurturing, the primary caretaker, and that children had a deeper bond with them as opposed to their fathers. Although this has changed over […]
Do Pedestrian Accidents Increase in the Summer?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 6,000 pedestrians suffered fatal injuries in 2016. That’s one pedestrian death every two hours, and pedestrians also suffer minor to serious injuries once every seven minutes. Additionally, the agency reports that pedestrian deaths are up a staggering 25 percent in the five-year period from […]
Spinal Injuries: What You Need To Know
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhile no injury is insignificant, there is no doubt that some injuries are much more serious than are others. One of the most severe types of injuries is a spinal injury, which can leave a victim with permanent partial or complete paralysis. If an accident occurs that results in the spine being impacted with force, […]
Teen Drivers and Distracted Driving
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadNo one is completely impervious to distractions. Indeed, even the safest of drivers may be distracted by their favorite song on the radio, adjusting the heat or volume, or a child within the vehicle. But for teens, the problem of distracted driving is particularly worrisome. In fact, in a single year, there were 263 teens […]