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Three Commonly Missed Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadAmerica’s nursing homes are in crisis. According to an ABC News report from the early 2000s, elder abuse occurs at one out of every three nursing homes in the United States. Since that report first came out, things have gotten far worse. Aging demographics and longer life expectancies have greatly increased the need for long-term […]
What are My Rights as an Unwed Parent in Virginia?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen a child is born to an unwed mother, the father has no legal rights initially. Without being married to the child’s mother, there is no automatic presumption under the law as to who the father is. For unmarried fathers to establish parentage, the father must voluntarily declare his paternity in writing, and if it […]
How are Damages Calculated in Accident Cases?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen an individual suffers moderate to severe injuries from an accident, it can be a life-altering experience. High medical bills combined with time missed from work can create a financial hardship for victims and their families, and the physical and emotional pain an injury causes can put additional strain on the household. When an injury […]
Negotiating a Full and Fair Settlement
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen an individual suffers an injury from an accident or another event and someone else was at fault, they deserve to be compensated. Unfortunately, obtaining full and fair compensation is much easier said than done. In most cases, the party that was responsible for your injuries is not going to willingly write you a check […]
Tactics used by Insurance Companies during an Injury Case
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen someone is injured because of the negligent actions or omissions of another party, it is very rare for the party that caused the injury to take full responsibility and write a check to cover all the damages. In most cases, the injured party does not deal with the responsible party at all. Instead, they […]
I was Hurt on Someone Else’s Property: What are My Options?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadDuring any given week, most individuals spend numerous hours away from their home and on other peoples’ property. They spend time at work, out shopping, dining at restaurants, and attending get-togethers with neighbors, family members, and friends. Sometimes, accidents happen while you are on someone else’s property. In many cases, these are minor incidents without […]
The Role of an Expert Witness in an Injury Case
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen someone is pursing a personal injury case, there are a lot of factors that play into the success of the case and the ability to obtain full and fair compensation. The facts and evidence of the case should be well-documented. There should be a detailed report of what happened, photographs, video footage (if available), […]
Spinal Cord Injuries: What you Need to Know
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadSpinal cord injuries (SCIs) can be very frightening for victims and their families. When you lose the ability to control a certain area of your body, you suddenly find yourself dependent on others for various functions you once took for granted. Symptoms that often accompany this condition include numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation in […]
Visitation and the Holidays
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadThe holidays are coming up, and this is the time when families want to spend as much time as they can with each other. This can create tension among divorced couples or couples living separately who have children together. Naturally, both parents want to have the child(ren) for the holidays, and the kids usually want […]
Slip & Fall accidents – What is the Liability of a Retail Store?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadEach year, thousands of individuals are injured in slip and fall accidents. These accidents can occur almost anywhere, and many of them are minor. Some slips, trips, and falls can result in serious and catastrophic injuries, however. These include: Head Injuries Traumatic Brain Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Fractures/Broken Bones Soft Tissue Injuries Slip and Fall […]