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Can an IRA Be Cashed Out During a Divorce?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhether you’re considering pulling from your IRA during a divorce or you need to transfer IRA funds as part of your divorce agreement, it is crucial to know the potential consequences. There is a right way to handle retirement fund transfers as part of a divorce, and taking a DIY approach can lead to hefty […]
How to Prove Negligence in a Personal Injury Case
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadMany personal injury claims are heavily based on the idea of negligence. In many situations, it’s not enough that you were harmed; if you want to seek compensation, you have to prove that someone’s negligence was the cause of your injury. Proving negligence can be complicated, but with the right personal injury lawyer, you can […]
The Effects of Digital Life and Social Media on Divorce
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadThe Internet has drastically and irreversibly changed every aspect of our daily lives. It has also affected how we build relationships—or end them. Your presence on social media and how you use the Internet could profoundly impact your divorce process and co-parenting experience. Find out more about how your digital life and social media may […]
Why You Shouldn’t Give an Insurance Adjuster Your Health History
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen you’re considering a personal injury claim, you have a limited window of time before the other party’s insurance adjuster contacts you. Once they call you, you may be surprised at the questions they ask. They’re good at getting information out of people, so you may feel like cooperating—but what happens when they ask for […]
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights During a Divorce Proceeding
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhen you decide that divorce is the right option for you, you have a lot of important decisions to make. For many couples, the division of assets is one of the most complicated aspects of their split. If one or both spouses own intellectual property, this part of divorce becomes even more complex. Compared to […]
Are Auto Accidents More Common in Rural or Urban Areas?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadWhether you live in a rural or urban area, you have likely seen your fair share of car accidents. However, urban and rural accidents are different in a variety of ways—and unfortunately, those differences have led to serious differences in outcomes for drivers and passengers. Knowing what to expect from both rural and urban crashes […]
The Impact of Parental Mental Illness on Divorce and Child Custody Proceedings
/by Tim OlmsteadFamily law disputes are already complicated and stressful. When one or both parents have a mental illness, these issues become even more complex. Understanding how a mental health diagnosis could impact custody disputes is important so you can take steps to protect your child’s best interests. Facing family law issues? Let us help. Call Olmstead […]
How Music and Audio Distractions Contribute to Car Accidents
/by Tim OlmsteadNothing sets the mood for a drive like the right music. For some, a good podcast is an ideal way to get through a boring drive and stay awake. No matter what your audio of choice is, the odds are good that you don’t drive around in a silent vehicle. But how does this choice […]
Divorce and Blended Families: Legal Rights and Co-Parenting Challenges
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadCo-parenting is the next natural step during and after divorce. While it can be an uphill climb for parents—especially when the marriage ends due to infidelity, abuse, or anything other than simply growing apart—it can truly make a positive difference in their child’s life. Except in extreme cases, children generally fare better when both parents […]
The Role of the Guardian ad Litem in Divorce and Child Custody Cases
/by Tim OlmsteadChild custody cases, whether as part of a divorce case or otherwise, can be emotionally draining for everyone involved, parents and children alike. It’s not uncommon for children to become so emotionally triggered or upset that they struggle to act in their children’s best interests. When it’s unclear what’s best for the child or who […]