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Apps You Should Always Have On Your Phone in Case of an Accident
/by Olmstead & Olmstead, PCYour phone has everything you need—social media to keep up with loved ones, games to kill a bit of free time, and photo apps that blur out those minor imperfections, to name a few. But will your phone help you if you’re involved in a car accident? With a little bit of planning, you can […]
Things I Can Purchase for My Child That Count Towards My Child Support in Virginia
/by Olmstead & Olmstead, PCChildren are expensive—there’s no way around it. If you pay child support, you may be wondering if other payments you make could decrease the amount you owe each month. If you receive child support and your co-parent is attempting to pay less because of items they’ve bought your child, you may be wondering if that’s […]
Challenges for Divorces with Special Needs Children
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadDivorce is never easy, but it’s even harder with children. It may feel nearly impossible when you have children with special needs. While divorce may be harder with special needs children, it is manageable if you plan ahead, tread carefully, and work with a plan. Learn more about the unique challenges you may face and […]
What Happens If I Wait to Go to the Doctor After a Car Accident?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadYour body goes through a lot in a car accident. Even a minor crash can push your body to its limits, leaving you with aches and pains, headaches, and strained muscles. Like most victims, you might be wondering if you really need to go to the doctor. Medical care can be expensive, and many people […]
Taking Control of Your Finances After a Divorce
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadAlong with the emotional upheaval of a divorce, a relational split comes with massive financial disadvantages. Even wealthy couples often struggle to get their finances in order after a divorce. Those living on more limited assets and income may find it extremely challenging to get established and live comfortably. However, this time does pass. It […]
What the Rise in the Gig Economy Means for Divorce
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadThe news is full of information on how work has changed in recent years, and it’s interspersed with tips on “making the most of your side hustle” and maximizing your earnings. This is the result of the gig economy taking hold in the United States, and it’s changed how we use services, work, and pay […]
Understanding the Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadIf you’ve been injured because of another person’s negligence or malice, you’re out for justice. Perhaps you’re looking at a stack of medical bills, unexpected missed income, or the need to hire a nanny while you get back on your feet. Regardless of what your damages are, it’s important to know your rights and take […]
Can I Get Custody Even If the Divorce Was My Fault?
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadIf you’re facing the possibility of a fault-based divorce in Virginia, you’ve likely already realized that it has the potential to affect every single part of your divorce settlement. The division of assets, alimony, child support, and child custody may all be affected by who takes the blame for the split. For many parents, the […]
Why You Should Gather Eyewitness Testimony at the Scene of An Auto Accident
/by Olmstead & Olmstead, PCThere’s no shortage of things to do at the scene of a car accident. From exchanging contact information with the other driver to taking pictures of your injuries, forgetting even one task on your list could put your personal injury claim at risk. However, there’s one task you definitely don’t want to skip: talking to […]
Helpful Tips for Dealing with Divorce During the Holidays
/by Olmstead & OlmsteadChoosing to divorce before the holidays can make this time of year incredibly painful. While you may wish you could hibernate and skip the next few months completely, there are ways to navigate this time with peace. If you have children, managing this first Christmas alone will mean a lot to them. Check out some […]